The car was supposedly delivered by another used car dealership in Florida. Without seeing it or driving the car in person


SIL got itself into a mess. She is very young and naive. Afraid of handling things on her own. Lives in Durham, North Carolina. So she goes to a used car dealership owned by a man her father is related to. You told the salesperson what car you wanted and ordered it from another used dealership. The car was supposedly delivered by another used car dealership in Florida. Without seeing it or driving the car in person - I got financing for it and paid the car dealership check in full. He tells her that he needs all the money to pay the other agency. At the time of the sale, he said that the car should be delivered within a week, maximum two. This was 6 months ago. She's been making payments ever since. Long story short, he's been dodging them and when he talks to them he gives one excuse or another. He keeps saying "oh next week, it should be delivered" "in two weeks" etc. Examples of Excuses I Use “The car was mistakenly delivered to NYC” Most recently “I want this car to be perfect for you and the transmission is messed up so get it fixed.” He gives her a borrowed car dead in the meantime after she desperately urges her to have him cover the rent. Now he says he will pay the next car bill on Friday. She tells him she doesn't want the car anymore and just wants her money back. He said his banker could guarantee a check would be deposited into her account within 10 days. I highly doubt he will. The credit union I got the loan from said they couldn't step in because technically the sale had already gone through. Anyway, this came in the mail today from the bank. The seller told her the address was sent to the bank when they requested it. This obviously means they didn't get the title right? What can she do at this point?? who are you calling ??

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