Louisville shooting: What you need to know about 5 dead and a cop seriously injured days after he graduated from the academy

 Authorities have identified the five people killed in a mass shooting at a bank in Kentucky's largest city on Monday morning

Joshua Barrick, 40; Diana Eckert, 57; Thomas Elliott, 63; Juliana Farmer, 45; and James Tott, 64, were all killed at Old National Bank in Louisville, according to the Louisville Metro Police Department.

MORE: "BLOOD ON ME!": Bank employees describe fatal shooting in Louisville

Eight others, including a 26-year-old Louisville police officer, were wounded in the shooting.

Officer Nicholas Wilt, who had just graduated from the Louisville Metro Police Department Training Academy on March 31, was shot in the head while responding to the scene. Police said he underwent brain surgery and is in critical but stable condition.

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