Please any advice I keep getting a call from someone who leaves
a voicemail that only mentions their first name and doesn't specify which company or company they represent. The voicemail also states that they will stop by my house and that I must have ID and sign a notice of action. This person pretty much says that if he can't get me home he will stop by my workplace.
There was no extension, and again you didn't specify which company or company you represented. I don't understand what's with all the vague and confidential details but she stated I could call 866-790-0179 (I googled that number and nothing came up) and give them my notification ID number. I called the company and someone answered saying it was a brokerage firm and asking for my information but I refused because I don't know the legitimacy of any of this.
Can anyone give me some insight as to whether or not this is a notice to serve me in a civil matter? I mean if this is the case then the first caller won't explain it and is it necessary for me to provide some id and sign out on some notification? If they're going to serve me, they're going to do it right?
Location Georgia.