Problem with my teenage daughter at school please help

 Florida Last Tuesday, my sixth-grader daughter texted on the bus on the way home saying she was wearing coded clothing. She knew that what she wore did not violate the dress code. It was his favorite jacket that he wears once a week. When he came home and told me what had happened, I was shocked. It cost me everything not to go to that school again. But I know that everything needs to be documented in our school system because they lie. My daughter is very kind and doesn't like breaking the rules, so she feels uncomfortable telling them to call me. The teacher was very scary. I'm going to copy and paste the email I sent to the manager to tell me what happened. They never called me when this happened as their dress code states. I told them in my email that I just wanted to contact via email. The manager called me the next morning. I sent it to voicemail and emailed it to remind it to just email me. It's been a few hours and I still haven't heard from him. I really wanted to know the name of the teachers, so I called and asked. He told me. Then I ended the call to send me an email. 

I wanted to tell you about the situation that happened to my daughter at school today. She was leaving the cafeteria after breakfast when another student told her that a teacher wearing a mask wanted to talk to her. My daughter went up to the teacher and the teacher asked my daughter if she was wearing a bra. My daughter said no. The teacher said that you are very sophisticated and distracted, so let's change your clothes. My daughter followed the teacher to the dispensary. The teacher covered her chest with her arms as they walked. She was very upset and tried not to cry. When they got to the nurse, she was crying. My daughter sat down and the teacher sat next to her. The teacher was leaning against Harlow, which made her very uncomfortable. The teacher told the nurse, and the nurse looked for some clothes. The nurse brought a red jacket. The teacher said, 'No. You seem to have a small waist. Can you touch it?' My daughter said hesitantly 'yes' but she felt she had to say yes, but she didn't want the teacher to touch her. The teacher touched her waist. Then the teacher said, 'We need a tight shirt to compress after my daughter goes to the bathroom and changes it. My daughter came back and the teacher said 'I don't like it, I can still see them', and the teacher said she walks to the door and comes back. The teacher took off their   shirts  and said, 'still'

The teacher took off their shirts and said 'I can still see them, are you trying to cover them?' The teacher wanted me to put Jean's jacket over a shirt and a sweatshirt. The daughter said no because it is too hot, then the nurse said that she would write him a permit to go to class, the teacher said that she would come back and show off her underwear, and she could not have breakfast.

                 This is completely unacceptable and inappropriate. There is no place in the dress code, as far as I can see, does it stipulate that students must wear a bra. What she wore did not violate the dress code. He was wearing a jacket! A jacket you wear for school all the time. A burly adult asking a girl if she is wearing a bra and saying she is 'swollen and distracted' is annoying. The only person distracted from my daughter's chest is that teacher. Adults should never touch students' waists. His father or me were supposed to be contacted.

The teacher took off their shirts and said 'I can still see them, are you trying to cover them?' The teacher wanted me to put Jean's jacket over a shirt and a sweatshirt. The daughter said no because it is too hot, then the nurse said that she would write him a permit to go to class, the teacher said that she would come back and show off her underwear, and she could not have breakfast.

My daughter was very upset and got off the bus crying. Disgusted of this. My daughter said she had never seen the teacher before and did not know who they were. I added the nurse to the email in case you knew who the teacher was. I will also attach what my daughter was wearing (green jacket) and what she changed to (dyed shirt under a sweatshirt).

1 comment

  1. I have been advised to communicate via email only. I appreciate your prompt interest in this matter.
    Thank you
    (I changed my daughter's name in this email to "My Daughter" for privacy reasons.)
    what can i do? I didn't answer the manager's email because I don't know what to say. I'm not even sure what that means. I think the teacher should be fired or at least transferred to another school. which I doubt will happen. My daughter saw this teacher the next day (her birthday) and was terrified. She said she felt the urge to run but didn't want to get in trouble, so this teacher walked really fast. She wasn't the same on her birthday which I feel terrible about. She feels violated and humiliated. I feel like something needs to be done but I'm not sure what can be done legally. I wanted to file a police report because I feel it was sexual harassment but I don't know if it is in the eyes of the law. Any advice would be appreciated.
    For some reason it does not allow me to add pictures. I will add them to the comments.
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