
My husband filed for divorce.We’ve been married 8 1/2 years


My husband filed for divorce. We've been married 8 1/2 years. I am disabled. I was before he married me. It is a permanent disability. We live in Texas. He drove me to appointments, helped with meds and getting dressed depending on how bad I was that day. I have systemic lupus and multiple other medical problems. He makes six figures. We lived in a lake house on a private lake that his mom was giving us, but had done yet. I picked out all the new appliances, got new glass for windows, remodeled a bathroom and put a new toilet in another. My husband helped with none of this. I raised and adopted his son since he was 14. I did everything until I no longer could. I did the finances, the taxes, his student loans. I would beg for help and he never would. Now I’ve been moved to a studio apartment and I’m on food stamps. I’m going to probably lose my health insurance and I have to find rides or pay an Uber with my $900 a month disability. Am I entitled to spousal support being that I’m disabled and for how long!

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