My father is a stubborn and megalomaniac man legal advice

 My father is a very stubborn and megalomaniac man. I'm not close to him because of his

 actions in the past. He will never admit that he needs help and that he doesn't depend on

 anyone, so he has stayed with my grandmother for almost 12 years, making out with her

 and making up stories about how crazy my grandmother is. He kept pushing her into a

 nursing home for years, and now she has no choice but to move into a nursing home due to

 her recent dementia diagnosis and she can't walk on her own. My aunt has my

 grandmother's best interests at heart. She is also my mother. My aunt is a wonderful person,

 I became her legal representative 7 years ago. In 2022 I visited her for her birthday and her

 disgusting house. My dad says "he won't let me clean" which is a total lie because my dad

 never cleans himself and makes my mom clean when she's done working two jobs. You can

 see why she divorced him... My grandmother ended up with E. coli. So my sister and

 cousins had to do a deep cleaning of the house. While my dad is sitting there. My

 grandmother was able to take care of herself for a while, but as she got older, she got worse

 by constantly moving and falling. My aunt had to take out a loan to help her get into a good

 nursing home and she had to sell her house. Years ago, my aunt paid for her house. She also

 has 43 acres of wetlands. So, my aunt is nervous because none of her siblings will

 contribute. My older uncle passed away, my other uncle's income is low, and my father

 refuses to get a job. So my aunt gave him 31 days to come out and he turned it down and

 laughed about it. So, I called my sister and told her that we refuse to let him live with any

 of us because he makes us feel very uncomfortable and we don't trust him with our

 children. We will help try to get him out, but we will not help him financially. He'd done

 this before, so it wasn't like he was unlucky enough to refuse to ask for help. He did the

 same thing with my mother's house when she sold our childhood home. She there she sat

 until they took him off the property. She refuses to leave because she said "She wants to

 have her in the family, and I deserve this house because I take care of her" again a big lie

 because she came every day, he also refuses to take her anywhere. So, my aunt had to drive

 63 miles just to run her errands. My aunt and uncle tried to reason with him and he offered

 $1,300 to move in and a free old wagon. Now they have declined his offer because what he

 did was heartbreaking. He dumped all my grandmother's furniture and clothes and

 sentimental things out in the snow and told my aunt to come get the shit out of him. They

 were angry and I am also angry. My grandmother doesn't deserve this. So now they are

 trying to take legal action. I don't know if Minnesota has squatter rights and there are no

 housing agreement papers. Yes, he lived there for 12 years, but he almost tore the house

 down while my grandmother was living with him and blocked the door. I want to help my

 aunt but financially I cannot help her in her condition. ☹ Any advice?

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