My 18 year old daughter has been in a hairdressing apprenticeship for almost 2 years


Hello, hope someone can help with a little advice? My 18 year old daughter has been in a hairdressing apprenticeship for almost 2 years. Not once were there any complaints that she was unwell, on the contrary, her bosses always had kind words for her and loved her. The other day, at the end of her work week and at the end of the shift, she was unexpectedly called into the office and said they had had sleepless nights but they didn't feel her development was good, they hugged her and told her they, in to keep in touch, but fired her with immediate effect. She was supposed to be taking her college exams today, but behind my daughter's back they had already contacted the college and canceled her exams, depriving her of the qualification she had worked 2 years for.Now my daughter has an inkling that they did this because she mentioned to one of the other trainees that she would like to take up childcare in the future and probably told her employer that she intended to go . This is just a suspicion but I see no other reason for it as it has been very well thought out there. She had no intention of leaving, it was just a comment between friends on an evening where they talked like children about their future. They haven't given you any reason in the past to suspect that they weren't happy with your development, so robbing you when your test and grade this week are disgusting just doesn't seem right.

1 comment

  1. It's quite possible that they were friendly to her. Trying to cheer her up, hoping she would do better and not make any progress. Not everyone is destined for the hairdressing or beauty industry. I don't know what country you are in but I feel like in America a lot of women get into the beauty industry because they don't have any other skills and I would say about 50% of them don't have those skills to get the job done, but it's the only job they can do, and it works in a lot of small towns. With that being said I would contact
    the board and find out what can be done if she takes her test and discuss that it could be retaliation and see if she can train again for a short time, to try them out. incorrect.
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