I need some advice please my sister in law has a daughter who is not biologically hers. She has sole custody legal advice supports

 I need some advice please my sister in law has a

 daughter who is not biologically hers. She has sole guardianship

 and legal guardianship over her. She is the only one on the sheets.

 She was married and her ex-husband didn't want any papers

 because he originally didn't want to take her in. They divorced and

 Court visited him every week. But he's not even a legal guardian

 or anything! How is this permissible?? How did you order this. He

 knew the judge and that was obviously how he got the visits. They

 are now completely divorced. You want to cancel his visits.

 California State

1 comment

  1. Welcome to the legal advice site. First, he can get visits based on the fact that he was in a relationship with the child. It is similar to "ancestral" rights. It is generally "family visitation rights". If he could prove that the children's mental health would decline because of the lack of a relationship, yes, he could petition for visitation because he was acting like parents, living in the same house, and caring for the child.
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