my granny hosted my cousin and her partner for a time

 My grandmother in Florida hosted my cousin and her boyfriend for a while. They had

 their mail delivered to my grandmother's house. Mail continued to be delivered to the

 house while my cousin and her boyfriend were gone. My grandmother read their

 correspondence without their permission in order to find out where my cousin My

 cousin and her boyfriend were living with my grandma in Florida for a while. They had their mail being sent to my grandma's house. My cousin and her boyfriend moved out of the house but mail was still being sent there. In order to find out where my cousin and her boyfriend moved to my grandma opened up their mail without their permission. My cousin and her boyfriend have called some postal people but they have claimed that this isn't illegal because mail was being sent to the house. I'm not so sure about that because all over Google it says it is illegal to open up someone else's mail without their permission. They told her they could go to civil court but that's it. her partner had moved. My cousin and her boyfriend contacted the postal service, who insisted that it was not illegal because mail was still being delivered to the residence. I'm not so sure about that because Google clearly states that it is illegal to access another person's email without their permission. They informed her that they may file a civil lawsuit against her.

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