
To give a fast foundation, I own a frozen yogurt truck independent company and have my trucks left at my property. I had a non-benefit organization chipping away at my home to fix harms supported from a storm 3 years prior

Hello there, I am needing some lawful guidance.

To give a fast foundation, I own a frozen yogurt truck independent company and have my trucks left at my property. I had a non-benefit organization chipping away at my home to fix harms supported from a storm 3 years prior. Preceding the office beginning any work, I ensured they realized that power must be going to the trucks consistently on the grounds that I had item in the coolers.
During the time spent the office and their workers for hire chipping away at my property, I lost my whole stock for my frozen yogurt trucks because of them shorting out the power and not fixing it for quite a long time. I have attempted to settle with the office straightforwardly, yet they are declining to assume liability, and my business is currently completelt incapable to work because of the greatness of the misfortune I maintained.

I'm keeping last installment until this is settled. They are taking steps to put a lein on my property before the week's over (11 Feb) in the event that I don't write them a check for the last assets. I approve of taking care of the last bill, yet I can't believe that when the bill is paid that they will even response my calls, so I am keeping the installment to essentially safeguard myself.

To the extent that the lein goes, their administrative work expresses that in the event that installment isn't gotten inside 90 days of the last investigation that a lein will be put on the property around then. The last examination was done on 29 Dec, yet the electrical issues were not fixed until 17 Jan. Regardless, Feb 11 isn't 90 days past the last examination, so they are moving too soon on that part too.

I have screen captures and email correspondence with the office to fill in as documentation. Before beginning any work on the property, I made a point to ask no less than a week or 2 earlier in the event that the frozen yogurt trucks would should be moved, and I was informed they wouldn't be. Work began and I reached the venture administrator or organization liason two or multiple times all through about guaranteeing that power is going to the trucks consistently, and they got that.
  As far as I might be concerned, by beginning and proceeding with work on my property with the frozen yogurt trucks there shows that they were able to assume on the liability. In the event that they weren't, then, at that point, whenever, they might have come to me and said it was a lot of responsibility to have the trucks there and either stop work until I moved them or void the agreement around then. Because of the office not doing both of those things, it is my conviction that they acknowledged and took on the obligation assuming anything happened to the trucks or the items in them.

Any guidance on the best way to continue or attorneys in the Florida Panhandle region would be quite valued.

Much thanks to you!

Elimene Merizier

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