Some counsel (on vehicle protection miselling) please I purchased my vehicle secretly in Dec 2012. I turned into the enrolled attendant sometime in the future. At the point when I took out my vehicle protection strategy the insurance agency asked me when I purchased the vehicle not when I become the enrolled attendant.

Some counsel (on vehicle protection miselling) please 

I purchased my vehicle secretly in Dec 2012. I turned into the enrolled attendant sometime in the future. At the point when I took out my vehicle protection strategy the insurance agency asked me when I purchased the vehicle not when I become the enrolled attendant.

Approx a month after the fact they requested the V5C and added charges expressing the date I gave didn't match the v5c. They are attempting to utilize V5C date as the buy date despite the fact that they are unique and seperate things/questions. They not even once asked me for the date I turned into the enrolled attendant, just when I really bought the vehicle. I sent them the receipt of when I buy the vehicle and clarified I was never requested v5C date of when I turned into the enlisted guardian.

They said they can't acknowledge the receipt:

Individual 1 - in light of the fact that its written by hand.

Individual 2 - it should be on headed paper.

Individual 3 - we just acknowledge v5C dates

Buy dates and enrolled attendant (v5C) dates are isolated things. I'm in the UK

Speedy model, years prior I put an old vehicle in my mums name while I went voyaging, (making her liable for the vehicle while she would utilize it) v5C said she gained it from that date despite the fact that no buy occurred around then, yet later she concluded she needed to keep it and got it from me, those dates were exceptionally far separated.

I feel like I've been posed a deceptive inquiry, assuming they needed the v5C enrolled guardian date the reason why didn't their inquiry pose for that date all things being equal.. So I keep thinking about whether this can be considered as miselling the strategy? Posing deceiving inquiries? Not being clear in the data they really cared about?

I've protected this specific vehicle for quite a long time and never disapproved of some other guarantor or some other issues overall besides.

Any counsel would be truly useful, thank you ahead of time.

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