So as Pure lawful have now gone into liquidation we have been drawn closer by 'SSB regulation' that will take on our case. I've been in touch with them.

Could you end up knowing at least something about prosecution financing and credits?

I think I've be conned with a cavity divider guarantee.

I had the pit divider protection introduced in June 2014, it was an administration plan and I was informed that my property was reasonable, my bills would lessen and an entire heap of advantages that would follow. I figured I could confide in that organization the 'Imprint bunch' and the public authority.

I had a couple of brings in the years after the fact about clammy at my home. I overlooked them till Jan 2019. I got a call saying that the 'Imprint bunch' had gone into liquidation and that my property ought not have had the depression divider introduced. Also we did indeed have a couple of regions in the house where we disliked our property. I was placed in contact with 'Unadulterated legitimate' (which has now gone into liquidation Nov 2021)

Unadulterated lawful, on an impossible to win no charge plan, said they would sort everything and get the subsidizing for the depression divider to be eliminated. Doing this they likewise said we needed to finish paperwork for a financing a credit with 'Novitas advances'

Not having any involvement with this and feeling that everything would be arranged with our home, in addition to simply having My first youngster, I thought it was the best thing to do to go with this organization that guaranteed me that everything would be arranged and marking an advance would get our case handled rapidly.

I accept the case has been to court somewhere around two times when I have rang to talk with unadulterated lawful. Also dismissed each time. (Clearly during Coronavirus things have been waiting) which was my arrangement. (Would this not break the agreement and credit as it is an impossible to win no charge bases?) I was informed they have everything close by and there's different things they can do.

So as Pure lawful have now gone into liquidation we have been drawn closer by 'SSB regulation' that will take on our case. I've been in touch with them. They said we can't sell our property during the case. (This could take 9-18months or longer) As we intend to sell this year.
They said they will close our case as we have not marked any reports with them. Be that as it may, they said I want to reach out to Novitas advances as we could owe them cash.
Taking a gander at the assertions we could owe between £7-13k or more.

I really want to know where I stand in this. I have not gotten any installment. I have a lot of desk work.

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