Quick version my ex moved an hour away to live with his sweetheart. (I feel like I want to add that part since it was not because of a task or whatever else.

Quick version my ex moved an hour away to live with his sweetheart. (I feel like I want to add that part since it was not because of a task or whatever else.) Never advised me until afterward. We have 50/50 guardianship. (Our girl going with him a fraction of the time was a stretch simply living 5 minutes separated.) The drive has gone severely for our daughter. I recorded to alter care since this was an adjustment of conditions. He lied all through the entire interaction. Let the adjudicator know this was only brief until he found a spot in a similar town as me once more (he as of now possesses a house here.) The appointed authority denied my solicitation for adjustment. Since it was "transitory" that he was carrying on with an hour away. Following court my ex moved into an alternate house right down the road in that equivalent town. I'm confused - what do I do? The present circumstance has been exceptionally unforgiving with our youngster. (Sorry for the long post.)

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