My sister-in-regulation and her progression Dad got a house under both of their names. For set cream on the initial installment and they go half on the home loan. She has two stepbrothers 19 and 20yrs old and They really do pay approx $400-600 every month each.
CA: My sister-in-regulation and her progression Dad got a house under both of their names. For set cream on the initial installment and they go half on the home loan. She has two stepbrothers 19 and 20yrs old and They really do pay approx $400-600 every month each. The progression Dad had been giving her an extremely difficult time since they moved in approx 7yrs prior. She has 3 children of her own. It's a 3 room house. The progression Dad assumed control over the carport and he won't give her keys to the carport and side door to the house. Btwn the progression Dad and two siblings they have 5 vehicles complete occupying all the room. She has requested him for duplicates from the keys and a few space to the carport and he denied. There's a sum of 10 individuals residing in a 3 room house. He's requesting $150,000 out of no where to be settled front and center, which he concocted that measure of his own.. Is there anything she right? We suggested that she get cameras inside and outside the house which she just did in apprehension about their life. She gets intimidating intentions that the she will get beat up. His children are known gangsters and one of them is carrying out life punishment in jail for homicide. What is the most ideal way to work around this with him declining to talk and to come to an arrangement other than the one referenced about.