Me and my BM had a child together and the relationship didn't work out so I pulled back from the relationship.

Me and my BM had a child together and the relationship didn't work out so I pulled back from the relationship. After that her mom pushed for her to place me on kid support which I got the furthest degree to pay. I dealt with my youngster and her from the very asking even remained in the relationship to give it one more pursue my kid yet because of unreconcilable contrasts we spilt. My inquiry is, is there anything I can do in light of the fact that everytime I text her to address my youngster or request to see him she requires cash practically like an expense to converse with my kid. In the event that I tell her I don't have it or don't give it to her I get impeded and don't get to converse with my kid. I'm presently hindered and haven't seen my kid in more than two months. She has now changed her number hindered me on every friendly medium yet is defaming my name saying I am not dealing with my kid and simply up and left my obligations and I'm a bum. I've given arriving at a shot asking to see my kid and furthermore arguing to invest energy with him. On the off chance that cash isn't involved I get told things, for example, his genuine father deals with us at any rate or I'm a bum or I'll at absolutely no point hear from my youngster in the future. Would she be able? Is there anything I right? Indeed I've done a DNA test and the youngster is mine yet with her platitude this how would I be able to help my kid to have the option to invest energy without paying an expense for the time spent when I'm paying kid support and giving My very best for my child. The last time I connected to attempt to talk with my child my life was compromised in a voice message.

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