It's a boring tale however I'll attempt to clarify it I thoroughly considered my sister and my sister mom I was thoroughly taking care of mother my sister has been doing thingspower of lawyer well im a sister yet she fooled me into marking papers of lawyer papers informing me that they were concerning a nursing home she's not dealing with mom she never has yet mom doesn't recall any of it she won't take her to regular checkups promotion she doesn't I would need to complain at her to take care of mom's bills yet it was painful she had a retraining request taking against me for actually nothing I simply Wanted her to take care of her business she has attempted to remove mom from me by letting me know mom spoke terrible with regards to me constantly And with mom having dementia sick never o so yes when I heard she deceived. Me into marking papers that I shouldn't have accepted. My sister since mom Said that Donna could never harmed yet that wasn't correct she had me in court a few days ago and made an honest effort to have me secured on the spot idk how to treat's POWER OF ATTORNEY AND WON'T DO ANYTHING TO DOCTORS APPOINTMENTS SO YES I THREATENED HER
That I wouldn't do anything to her however somebody needs to accomplish something and I would now what be able to would I be able to do