So it began in 2019, my progression mother and father called Cps on me when I resided in Dallas region since I was dealing with my progression father that was biting the dust, the Cps agent lied on stand and got my case opened, my children originally got shipped off my progression mother and my dad who were the ones that brought at the outset, I went to court and affirmed that my dad physically attacked me as a child and they turned out to be put with my progression father, I just got to see them an hour seven days, my Cps woman loathed me, they observed my child daddy's that had nothing to do with their children by any stretch of the imagination, one I have a defensive request for life against they actually caused us to be close in the court, following a couple of months going through a lot of hardship, I needed to complete two assessments in light of the fact that my progression mother and father put that I was dependent on drugs, insane and was involved with a person that manhandled my children which none of those were even evident. I did as such many medication test and they were all perfect. At any rate I start a re-visitation of screen in the wake of doing these classes and afterward they blame me for being around that equivalent person that was manhandling my children so they send them 5 hours away to my first child daddy, then, at that point, a couple of months after the fact he winds up shooting him self in the head while my children are in the house, and they don't let me know anything until my lawyer tells me, well they keep my children with his gf that was mishandling my children and afterward moved them again to my child daddy's mom, then, at that point, we go to court again and my lawyer lets me know my main choice on keeping my freedoms and approaching my children is assuming I backpedal on my proclamation that my father physically attacked me in addition to my father took steps to hurt me and my children on the off chance that I didn't. So they gave them brief guardianship of them and presently I just recorded a claim I had lawful guide assist me with reviewing the administrative work to prosecute them since they are keeping them from me, they are generally wiped out, have lice, are in a bug tainted house with a packed place of individuals and on top of that one of my sisters attacked my most established girl.
So I want counsel on the most proficient method to address myself for this case to win and get them back I have all the evidence in paper structure and pics