I'm looking for lawful guidance on a matter between my children father, we've resently isolated. I
Greetings, I'm looking for lawful guidance on a matter between my children father, we've resently isolated. Issues emerging are maintance and the house I presently live in with our children. I've been with my ex for very nearly 11 years before the split, residing in his home with him and the children, he did anyway move to Pretoria because of work however got back home month end and a few ends of the week in the middle. He then, at that point, was offered another position abroad (Sweden) in August 2020, the children and myself should go along with him once the archives were ruined we all yet in that time I then, at that point, discovered that he had taking a woman whom he had been seeing while he was in Pretoria, she was with him in December of 2020. I then, at that point, shut down all intends to move over on the grounds that he had done this to me on many times and I continued to take him back, I then, at that point, met somebody and was wanting to continue on with my personal business, yet he died. Since the time then, at that point, it's been a fight each an ideal opportunity to get my ex to have his impact of being liable for the children. I'm jobless, on the grounds that when I was with him and had my subsequent youngster, he had let me know there was no compelling reason to work, he will do his part. Indeed I comprehend that the house I live in right now is his however as the mother of his kids and seeing that I was involved with him for all the more then 10 years, and presently he needs to come down to SA to attempt take my children from me..... As a mother, from birth my children have been with me, even my ex himself has not actually been there other than to offer some monetary aid..... I have been to the support office in Mtunzini in December 2022, I've filled an application structure however nobody has hit me up, additionally is it feasible for him to take my kids over to Sweden? I want guidance with respect to what are my choices and a way forward. He has continued on, thus do I, I simply need to keep up with the 3 children and to proceed with paying of the house hold bills. Furthermore would he be able to oust me from the house?, as a lady, a mother, what are my choices and rights..... Kindly prompt 🙏