I'm attempting to sort this out, I'm a paralegal however not this present lawyer's paralegal. My companion got his separated concluded (he didn't sign it bc he's in Germany yet it was pushed through, no doc u sign either) here is the thing, in the propose property of division his vehicle (under his name that he has at present) they concurred he would keep the vehicle. The declaration went through and granted her the vehicle. Messages and verification has as of now been given to his lawyer. Notwithstanding, starting at 2/10 he was prompted the separation wasn't concluded (he discovered by finding it on freely available report in the area) bc of it being a fragmented pronouncement by his paralegal. Indeed, I comprehend he's assume to take a gander at the declaration and question things he doesn't believe are correct anyway he was set to have a gathering with his legal counselor 2/8 to talk about issues he found on the pronouncement, the lawyer never came into that zoom meeting. The thing is the lawyer and paralegal are assume to get this in the event that he does also. He has followed through on this law office practically the cost of another vehicle. Is there any consequences for this?