
I really want some assistance. There was a bogus report documented on me when I was in the clinic with my multi day old child to dhhs in Maine.

I really want some assistance. There was a bogus report documented on me when I was in the clinic with my multi day old child to dhhs in Maine. My children father isn't recorded on his introduction to the world declaration by any means as that is the way he needed it and I let him pick. I will not deliver who the dad is on the grounds that it was against his desires to be involved.can the state conflict with my desires and finish a paternity test on my child without my assent? The specialist has just asked me once and I told her he isn't a major part of his life im not delivering that data. If it's not too much trouble, help im making a decent attempt not to worry over this but rather I was in an oppressive relationship with his dad in the event that he is observed I will be in harm's way thus will my child.

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