I live in Virginia and on the 25th I found one of the pipes had busted under the home and emptied the well out leaving the pump running for over 14 hours before it was discovered

I live in Virginia and on the 25th I found one of the pipes had busted under the home and emptied the well out leaving the pump running for over 14 hours before it was discovered, I had been at work. It ended up destroying the pump. I messaged the landlords son (she's in jail again ) and he tried to say he didn't see where it was her job to pay for it to be fixed. Back in spring of asthma year everything overflowed not once but twice in a month which resulted in me having to stay elsewhere with my kids for around 2 weeks. Well the people who came out to fix it tore siding off the house and did not out it back on then it magically vanished shortly after. Landlord new this, the son new this and her boyfriend new this, her boyfriend was even told when he was up here back in November it needed to be replaced or the pipes would freeze come winter , he made a list of things needing to be done and never saw him again so low and behold here we are freezing pipes. 

I got the boyfriends phone number and messaged him and tried calling with no responce. So I went out and purchased the pump and had my kids dad put it in which took around 4 hours. I'm sure the boyfriend will be here to collect rent on the first and I will onky owe him $73 but I don't even see where the hell I should even give him that between being without water for several days and having to have my kids dad fix it. My kids dad is afraid he's going to make me pay full rent or threaten to evict me, can he even legally do that? What was I suppose to do? Go without water until he finally popped up on the first ? And I honestly wouldn't of trusted giving him the money to go get the pump because he's a big time meth addict , the landlord is currently on the edge of losing the house due to being behind on taxes because drugs are more important . I'm currently working on buying a house and hoping to love in the summer

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