
Hi, contemplating whether somebody can help me? We purchased another constructed home, quick version it's a wreck with bunches of house issues and presently laborers have been coming in making fixes and harming pavers, cover, individual things.

Hi, contemplating whether somebody can help me? We purchased another constructed home, quick version it's a wreck with bunches of house issues and presently laborers have been coming in making fixes and harming pavers, cover, individual things.

I concurred, I would make due with a sum by means of email in marked nothing… . then, at that point, on Jan 2022 the chief with the developer sent me the report to sign and he added a zero toward the end in support of myself, so we marked it ASAP.

Recently I went to get the check and it was for the limited quantity. However, I marked a record? Which is restricting?

The person called this evening said his lawful
Is investigating since I concurred back in November for the lesser sum.

If it's not too much trouble, help! Additionally I'm by all account not the only house with significant issues.

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