Hello! I was contemplating whether anybody had information or has managed a comparable encounter to my circumstance.
Hello! I was contemplating whether anybody had information or has managed a comparable encounter to my circumstance. For some history I'm situated in California and I have a 4 year old girl with my ex. He was not a functioning guardian from the beginning. Going a long time without seeing our kid a the longest was 1 year 10months. He has seen my little girl a sum of multiple times since she's been conceived and those times are generally not at a steady time (2017-2022) She doesn't call him father. I attempted her first year to push him to be there however I immediately acknowledged you can't constrain somebody to be a parent. I don't ask him any longer when he needs to see her so I let him be the one to message me first. 8/10 times he will message to see her and when the day comes I will message a little while prior to inquiring as to whether the time is great , I get no reaction or a date change an it will proceed with like that for a really long time. I petitioned for full care. He was served and the 30 days to react had passed so I mentioned to enter default. It was endorsed by the court representative and I was given a trial for the following month. I'm self addressing. In the valuable structures I submitted I said I needed administered appearances with one of my relatives because of the way that he is an alien to her even though he is her profile father. So my inquiry is could I have the option to tell the adjudicator I altered my perspective a solicitation no appearance because of the reality I feel its not alright to pick a pick when he needs to be a "parent"? Or then again would it be a good idea for me to adhere to my unique requesting regulated appearances a then continue to report an assuming he keeps on missing appearances return him to drop them?