Hello, I am leasing a level from an office on 26/03/2021, one year agreement. Be that as it may, half a month prior, the organization sent an email saying the property manager was expected to expand the rental +100/week
Hello, I am leasing a level from an office on 26/03/2021, one year agreement. Be that as it may, half a month prior, the organization sent an email saying the property manager was expected to expand the rental +100/week, I called her to examine about the cost, yet she didn't acknowledge my proposition, and afterward following 3 days she sent an email again saying the landowner will not acknowledge any my deal and they will put publicizing for lease it out. From that point onward, she sent an email again about a notification they will investigate at 9-10 am on this Saturday, I answered that was too soon and we will be burdened by that, and I offered they can come after 2 pm, then, at that point, she answered me that she will examine with the client, yet on the off chance that the client can't fix other time, they will come at 9-10 am without my consent and open my entryway with the really key which has a place with them. Would anybody be able to assist me with this? Is that legitimate? Assuming I reserve the privilege to dismiss that they review at an awkward time? My agreement is as yet working until 25/03/2022, would they be able to open my entryway in like that?