Does anybody have guidance on what the cycle is to open up a lawbreaker case

Does anybody have guidance on what the cycle is to open up a lawbreaker case? Somebody I used to work with and trusted has taken R44 000 for vehicles he was "acquiring " yet never did (presumably in light of the fact that we discovered his father didn't pass on, he lied). Whenever I requested my discount, it's been a wide range of reasons (he even sent me a phony POP from FNB and showed me a phony POP from ABSA). After much examination, it's become visible the vehicle he sold me doesn't have a place with him and it doesn't appear as though he has the R44 000 to pay me. I have every one of his subtleties, ID, Proof of address, marked affirmation of obligation, marked obligation to pay the obligation by today. He has additionally done this to 4 others I know and we will be in every way opening up a case, yet will I at any point see my cash? I really want this person captured before he moves (as this is what he does). He has totally demolished my life as he knew I was exchanging the vehicle and didn't have that cash to spend as I had somebody inspired by vehicle to purchase from me. I have email correspondence resolving to pay me (marked and consented to by him), whatsapp messages, everything. How would I speed things up without exclusively depending on the police and is it worth my time and energy to go to an attorney with this proof? I'm frantic for help

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