Alright kindly assistance. My children father got authority of my young men from me 5 years prior

Alright kindly assistance. My children father got authority of my young men from me 5 years prior. Nearly 12 months and half back he was regardless utilizing medications and managing my children with him. Persuaded him to allow them to come stay with me. He will not give guardianship up to me despite the fact that he has not taken them over evenings since I got them. I got DHS involved and he isn't permitted to be distant from everyone else with them. He barely converses with them and I in every case nearly wind up putting forth the attempt for him to call them. I'm actually paying kid backing to him and they won't stop it until it is possible that he signs papers or I get a lawyer which I cannot manage. Everybody continues to let me know lawful guide however they won't help me Ive previously called and inquired. What do I do!

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