My mom has had a canine for quite a long time. The canine is my mothers life The new proprietors of the spot she lives changed the approach to not permit canines/felines in the condos

My mom has had a canine for quite a long time. The canine is my mothers life The new proprietors of the spot she lives changed the approach to not permit canines/felines in the condos. My mother couldn't as yet move, and couldn't force herself to dispose of the canine, so she requested a companion from hers to house the canine until her rent was finished. The understanding was that my mother could have full admittance to her canine, visit at whatever point she needed, and so on My mother has been purchasing the entirety of the food, covering for any vet bills, and paying for ordinary prepping.

The last month in any case, the companion has would not allow my mother to see the canine after they got in to an insignificant, unimportant contention. She will not react to moms day by day texts getting some information about seeing her canine, she even changed possession at the vet to her name and my mother needed to call and demonstrate that she actually has responsibility for canine.

How would my mother be able to treat this point? She actually has a couple of months left on her rent, however my grandmother has consented to keep the canine there until her rent is up. Would you she be able to simply proceed to take the canine? Will there be repercussions for my mother? Does she have to carry her to court now? My mother is crushed 

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