My little girl lost custody(how, legitimately I won't ever know) I need to acquire my appearance with my granddaughter who is an extraordinary

My little girl lost custody(how, legitimately I won't ever know) I need to acquire my appearance with my granddaughter who is an extraordinary necessities 5 yr old child young lady , non-verbal. He is extremely off-base in taking her. He bargains drugs and different things. In any case, I'm telling you, his cousin called me, said they were DHS, I call DHS,... nothing's. The obliteration on my girl and our family is unendurable as we see her when HE ALLOWS. EX: he's frantic at my girl, he comes tous unexpectedly and cries everything except persuades me girl is on break! ButNI!! I kid you not in the interim we're searching for my daughter,(who is secluded from everything) we outfit his home, his dishes, drapes, washroom makeover. Says he's a maintence man. No yet hubby gives him a riding grass trimmer and all new toys for 5 yr old most valuable one. And afterward HE THROWS IT ALL OUT.!!! Client. How would I battle this ?


If your daughter lost custody and has no visitation she was likely strung out on drugs and not telling you. If you can’t find your daughter it’s likely because she is using and doesn’t want to be found. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your child is more than likely a drug addict. How do you know the child’s father sells drugs. If your daughter told you this she is likely lying as she is almost certainly on drugs and knew this was an inevitability that she would lose custody and she launched a preemptive gaslighting smear campaign. Courts don’t give custody to the dad without just cause. She would have had to have failed a drug test or put her child in serious harms way that the authorities reported her. I could be wrong but being someone who has full custody and went through something very similar with my sons mom it sounds like you are in deep denial about who and what your daughter is.

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