My father has lived in his house for 20 years. It legally belonged to his best friend who had lived in the house

 My father has lived in his house for 20 years.  It legally belonged to his best friend who had lived in the house with my father for the last 4 years and in a trailer on the property for the full 20 years.  Before my mother passed away in 08 my mother and father took care of him because he was a transplant patient.  He's been with us for as long as I can remember.  My friend dad died last month and now his son who hasn't been in touch with him in years is trying not to care less about his dad and trying to tell my dad he has 72 hours to get out,  because my father's friend wanted the property to be his son's when it was originally bought 20 years ago.  My father had papers drawn up saying he could stay on the property if the owner passed, but he didn't sign them until he passed.  is there anything we can do

He has to legally evicted your dad unless there is some kind of noterized paper saying he can stay after he passed but since you said he will it to the guys son y'all would have to go to court

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