I need advice on getting custody of my 5 month old son, can anyone give me their opinion on the situation?

  The daughter got pregnant, I started working 2-3 jobs to help out and make sure all the bills were paid, she was taken care of, and the future child would be taken care of too!

  She left me after finding out she was cheating on me with several people (after she was born) because I was still working… BUT whenever I was home I spent ALL my time with them both!  I did everything and everything I could 🤗

  She has moved back to her parents (where she no longer pays bills or has other responsibilities)

  To the point, her parents are very controlling and manipulative of her and they did it so that if I come I can be arrested for trespassing… (which I think is that they didn't want me near him  or her) whether we were going to work or not, I just wanted to see my boy.

  Anyway, I have tons of evidence that she hurt the baby (in audio, also in video, and I can also get my phone calls from T-Mobile) on multiple occasions (as well as our  dog; who also returned to her parents' house with her)

  I have tons of evidence showing her to be unstable and an "unfit" mother, whether it's texting, audio, or phone calls;  BUT she was also like that before she was born;  pretty much our entire 4½ year relationship;  and even before me when she was dating her ex she was still the same

  I have her psych ward records for suicide and also her PHP anger management course papers and records stating "PHP didn't help me" and she even checked the "no" box when the question was asked  "Do you feel better about yourself taking this course?"

  She keeps saying she's embarrassing me, making me the bad guy, pretty much the DEVIL in her life;  while I've never done anything "abusive" to her, her PHP form also shows several things she wrote saying "I throw things when I'm mad", "I say stuff when I'm in  anger” and “becomes violent and quarrels”, and etc!

  I have tons and tons of additional evidence that she lied to a cop to try and get me arrested, lied on a police report so I could get fired from my job (because they do this  kind of searches or whatever) and just tons of character libel towards me…

  She's been diagnosed with severe depression for 9 years, severe anxiety for 11 or 12 years, and I also believe she's also bipolar and borderline….

  I'm not on the birth certificate because we didn't sign and send the affidavit because she was too stressed and well I always worked so I couldn't (I know I know I would have  had to make sure it was done 🤦🏽‍ ♀️)

  Despite this, I have tons of messages where she says she is going to be civil without the courts involved and for more than three weeks?  Every day she said we could meet so I could see Ry (my boy) and literally shortly before the appointed time, or at the exact time she would suddenly cancel, every day it repeated with  different excuses for them three weeks…

  I'm being harassed because I've been blocked on everything and haven't seen him since Jan 4th…I REALLY LOVE MY BOY!!!!

  Anyway, I'm trying to get my parental rights through a DNA TEST

  What are my chances of getting SINGLE custody or even MAIN custody of him?  Because he just isn't safe, or anything about the "goodness" of being with her….

  If you can't answer it specifically that's fine, I just want to know my odds for sole or primary whether that's in explanation or percentage etc.

  And what about our dog?  Because I also have an abuse text to him too and she paid for him but I can easily give her the money she spent on him but I just want my boys to be safe and in my custody  …

  Please share anything related to support, or my chances, etc. please!

  We are not married, we are dating, and we are in a maternal state… Columbus, Oh

  Plus, I told everyone I know that I will rightfully spend time, money, or even love to have him in my care… I'm A GREAT dad, every time I come back  at my normal job (12 hours on a four out of three day; three out of four days off) I never went out… I always stayed home with him and we just had a good time… she always used her free time to go  drinking with friends…work parties that weren't at work, or just hanging out with other people, and every time she was working and i was coming down just 1-2 hours before she  does not wake up?  I legitimately slept for them 1-2 hours and woke up and watched Ry until I took him to my moms or his moms to watch him work until she released a  hour later or so and then she would come home and keep blowing up my phone complaining about him and her stressing out and etc.

  I hope I get some good news because this is the first time in my life that I have faced this and I felt like I would never have been in this situation in my life, and honestly  , i'm just scared...i'm scared i won't get him a chance or a chance, but in my heart i know i'm better for him
  Thank you all 
File a petition for paternity in the courts. Hire an attorney. YOU have rights once paternity is established.

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