I got back home from work the previous evening and my life partner was smoking rocks in my condo while keeping an eye out 1.5 year old child.
I got back home from work the previous evening and my life partner was smoking rocks in my condo while keeping an eye out 1.5 year old child. I was clearly enraged and given kicking him a shot, however he would not leave. (My name is the main name on the rent.) He is an ongoing criminal and as of now waiting on the post trial process. I would rather not call the police on him and get him placed in prison, however I would rather not be with him any longer and need him out of my home. He obviously can't be entrusted with our kid so I will look for guardianship. (He is on the birth declaration.) I simply need to know where to begin/go from here to the extent that getting him out of my condo and to look for care. Additionally, given his criminal history and substance misuse, do you suppose I'll have any issues getting full authority? I've never done any medications and scarcely even beverage. The main difficulty I have at any point been in was an underage drinking reference when I was 18 (I am currently 25) and several speeding tickets years prior. I'm making an effort not to take my child from his dad. I would cherish just for him to take care of business and be an extraordinary father, however I need to secure my child. I live in North Carolina. Much appreciated ahead of time for any exhortation.