I started working for this employer in early 2020 working from home just managing customer service. Over time, my paychecks were never given to me on the dates stated in my offer letter or on the dates stated in my training. When told to my employer, they just brushed it off.
In February 2021, I noticed money being taken from my check. When I asked my employer he said he was automatically taken out for my 30 minute break whether I took my break or not and most of the time I didn't take a 30 minute break minutes because I was the only person employed in my department. .
November 2021 I am not getting my paycheck on payday which has become normal at this point and when I started asking my employer about it I was told it would be late/the company n had no funding/they were going to the bank/etc. There was an excuse every day that I asked about it. The second payday of the month is coming and I am still waiting for the first paycheck of the month as well as now the second. I got paid both paychecks on Thanksgiving Day.
Due to the fact that the whole month of November was not paid, I had some bills blocked from being able to pay them on time, so I could not continue working. Once I was able to sort everything out with that I started contacting my employer for my final check up from Dec 2021. I was immediately told to call them but when I tried I got no response or no response on a best time to contact. I start contacting them daily asking when we can solve it and when I can expect my check. I was twice given a date when I would receive it not to receive it. As I continued to contact them I was only met with the same excuses as to why I hadn't been paid the whole month of November (funding/more important people to pay etc.) and then they started putting back into question my sudden departure without notice. I explained the situation only to get no response. Yesterday I reached out again and was told again that it was my choice to leave without notice and that I had to wait whenever they could pay me since I left without notice. After explaining my situation again, I was told that was no excuse and that they would join me when they did.
It has been almost 2 months now since the technical date I was supposed to receive the last paycheck according to the letter of offer and the training book. I tried to contact their state's wage department (the company is located in a different state than I live in) but they said they couldn't help me because my employer wouldn't talk to them. I plan to see a lawyer today.
I have never had to go through such an experience in my life and I could really use all the advice I can get.
Thank you very much.