It may be legal for a company that is shutting down to force their employees to give up their rights to sue the company for cancer if they wanted to get their severance pay almost 6 months passed after they had been out of work knowing that the employees would need the money by then. The company knew the workplace was unsafe, the state arrived in about 7 years. Fa and was forced to close a school across the street due to the pollutants that had infiltrated the ground from the activity at the time. I personally know 9 people who worked there who have ended up with cancer and 6 of whom have already died and if I were to research it that number would increase significantly. If my mom gets checked, I know she probably has cancer, but she cares for my dad with stage 4 bone cancer and is too focused on him right now. We used to live here in North Carolina and she used to work for a lock manufacturing company that used a lot of harmful chemicals and I want to know if there is something that can be done or they will really get away with extorting their employees and taking some people away. to be able to afford to die a horrible death as it is from cancer anyway, by having them sign those forms so they can feed their families. Because most of their employees have worked there for 20 years. or more and I hope one of you guys knows something or a loophole that can be pursued.
employees to give up their rights to sue the company for cancer if they wanted to get their severance pay almost 6 months passed after they had been out of work
North Carolina