Legal transfer of my residence in the United States

 Howdy, I might want some guidance from you folks please! I moved to USA when I was 10 with my vacationer visa and exceeded my gladly received, (can't do DACA) and I am getting hitched to my life partner - a usa resident in around 2 months and fixing my lawful status, my folks need me to search for an attorney and begin doing my acquittal and other stuff for the interaction BEFORE getting hitched, my inquiry is, is that even conceivable? wouldn't the sensible thing is start the interaction in the wake of being hitched? they say it requires months and that is the reason they need me to begin early


I don’t think you need to do a pardon or need an attorney because you entered the country legally. You just need to have your spouse file the petition and adjust your status (which can be done simultaneously).

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