Greetings! I'd see the value in any counsel on my circumstance. I have an authority request that my young men's Mom disregarded. With no significant explanation, at all, she blamed me for drinking and said it was hazardous for the young men to be with me. Along these lines, she wasn't at her home when I went to get them. Her allegation is, obviously, totally bogus. Furthermore, she actually told the young men that I had been drinking and it was hazardous for me to be with them and drive with them. I'm pondering addressing myself and record to hold her in hatred of the request. I have a wide range of proof to show she was simply being insane and malevolent, and she's fostered an example of doing things like this on the off chance that she gets frantic at me under any circumstance.
I called the police at the hour of pickup, and they came and made a report. In this way, I have that.
I might want to know the strength of my case, being that I likewise have the text log where she said I had been drinking and didn't need the young men with me with no text from me that would persuade anybody to think I was not of sound brain. What's more, likewise screen captures of her messaging our most seasoned child and saying I was inebriated and I would get in a disaster area in the event that I got him.
I'd likewise prefer to know the level of trouble this is for the regular person. I have insight in court as I've gone through a guardianship fight with her and afterward a change. I was anticipating investigating the hell out scorn cases and observing a few recordings really taken in the court.
Also, do I simply introduce my proof and case, then, at that point the appointed authority chooses her discipline? Or on the other hand, do I suggest one?
Additionally, any counsel on something I didn't make reference to would be 100% valued! Much obliged to you ahead of time