How long does my legitimate occupant father need to spend in the US when he comes here one time per year?
My dad has been a legitimate occupant of the USA for more than 40 years. Lamentably and his inability to prepare never turned into a resident. He has now resigned somewhat back to Brazil and he visits the US one time per year, per law. At times he comes for a very long time now and again he comes for one month.
My fundamental inquiry is … when he does gone to the US, is there a base measure of days that he needs to visit for it to tally toward him not losing his movement status? I'm not discovering any data on the movement site and nobody I've asked appears to know the response to this. One individual disclosed to me 14 days and someone else revealed to me that he should simply enter the US and go right back on the plane for it to check.
What is the legitimate convention here?
He ought not be over a half year outside the USA else you will lose his green card. While he is leaving the USA and returning in 5 months he likewise can lose the green card. The green card is intended to live in the USA, a migration official can renounce his green card at the section in a USA air terminal in the event that they notice that he invests more energy outside the USA, they can say he isn't living in the USA, so he is abusing the term and states of the green card and deny it.. The arrangement is that he can get an authorization for a couple of years to be outside the USA as opposed to leaving and returning not many months.